Iroquois and Sioux civilizations idea

I know devs said that they won't add new civilizations into the game. I am making these ideas for fun. I am bored because of the COVID-19. I am at home every day so I have time to make new fanmade civs.

Firstly, I made Iroquois and Sioux custom civilizations.


Infantry civilization


  • -Lumberjacks carry +5/10 in Dark/Feudal age \+10 in Dark Age would be OP**
  • -Eagle Warrior upgrade is free \NOT ELITE!, they would have new skin**
  • -Foot Units can garrison in Outpost \Every land unit, expect Siege and Mounted Units, however Iroquois does not have access to Cavalry**
  • -Outpost +100/300/500 HPs in Feudal/Castle/Imperial age

Unique Building:

  • Iroquois Longhouse [20 population, costs 60W, 100/200/400 more hitpoints than House in Feudal/Castle/Imperial age, Size: 2x4] \iconic building, basically two Incan houses side by side, but it has more hitpoints**

Unique Unit:

  • Tomahawk Warrior: fast raiding infantry (Costs: 50F/30G Stats: 50(60)HPs, Armor: 1/1(1/2), Attack:10(12), Strong vs Buildings and Siege, Weak vs Archers, Attack Bonus: +8(12) vs Buildings, +4 vs Siege)
  • Elite: 1000F/500G
  • Mantlet: anti archer siege unit (Costs: 80F/80G Stats: 80 hitpoints, Armor: 0/10, Attack: 8, Range: 6, Strong vs Ranged Units, Weak vs melee units, Attack Bonus: 50 vs Buildings, 20 vs Stone Buildings, 5 vs Ranged Units)

Unique Techs:

  • Castle age: All Unit moves 5% faster Costs: 200F/200G
  • Imperial age: Outpost ±5/3 armor and can fire arrows 400W/150S

Team Bonus:

  • Stone and Paladise Walls +2 LOS


  • Mohawk

Architecture style:

  • North American

Missing techs:

  • Archery range: Cavaly Archer, Parthian Tactics, Hand Cannoneer
  • Barracks: None
  • Stable: No Stable
  • Dock: Cannon Galleon, Heavy Demo Ship, Shipwright
  • Siege: Heavy Scorpion, Bombard Cannon
  • Blacksmith: Cavalry Armor
  • University: Architecture, Bombard Tower, Fortified Wall, Heated Shot
  • Economy: Guilds, Gold Shaft Mining
  • Monastery: Faith, Sancity, Theocracy, Illumination


Cavalry Archer civilization


  • -Huntables last 30% longer \Sioux tribes were famous for hunting bisons**
  • -Archery Range upgrades cost 50% less \Cheaper Heavy CA, X-Bow and Skirmisher upgrades**
  • -Cavalry Archers ignore Thumb Rhing and Ballistics \University required**

Unique Unit:

  • Wakan: Cavalry Archer(Costs: 60W/50G Stats: 50(60)HPs, Armor: 0/0(1/1), Attack:8(9), Range: 3(4), Strong vs Infantry, Weak vs Skirmishers, Attack Bonus:+5(6) vs Cavalry)
  • Elite: 1000F, 750G \Wakan means powerful**

Unique Techs:

  • Castle age: Causes Villagers to return 25 food when they die 250F/100G \not historical, but pretty good tech**
  • Imperial age: Eagle Warriors trained faster 300W/500G \Still RESKINNED!**

Team Bonus:

  • Cavalry Archers +1 bonus damage to Skirmishers


  • Siouan

Architecture style:

  • North American \but they have teepees, a house with new skin**

Missing techs:

  • Archery range: Hand Cannoneer, Arbalest
  • Barracks: Champion
  • Stable: No Stable
  • Dock: Galleon, Heavy Demolation Ship, Cannon Galleon
  • Siege: Bombard Cannon, Siege Onager, Heavy Scorpion
  • Blacksmith: Cavalry armor
  • University: Masonry, Stone Wall, Guard Tower, Arrowslits, Heated Shot, Bombard Tower
  • Economy: Two-Man Saw, Stone Shaft Mining, Guilds
  • Monastery: Faith, Illumination, Fervor, Block Printing
submitted by /u/romaniaisunreal
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