3v3 Figters - A 3v3 tournament with brackets ranging from 1000-2000+ ELO (1v1)

3v3 Figters - A 3v3 tournament with brackets ranging from 1000-2000+ ELO (1v1)


I hereby announce that signups are open for "3v3 fighters", a tournament across different ELO spectrums in my favourite team game format, 3v3. Signups in my discord https://discord.gg/P3XV2mSVax , where you will also always find the latest version of the handbook.

Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYyyofaQXls&ab\_channel=Akkal-AOE

Tournament progression and timeline:

Signup deadline: September 16th!

The tournament will have 32-team brackets. The players will compete across a variety of maps (13 maps total, in addition to Arabia, which is always game 1) where the number of games per set and map bans increase as the teams advance. The intention is to showcase a variety of maps, and allow “specialists” a higher chance at getting a map style they’re best at in the early rounds. As the rounds progress, picks and bans will play a bigger role strategically, with the final BO7 leaving only one map left that isn’t banned or played!

Round of 32: September 20th – 26th: BO3 – One map ban per team

Round of 16: September 26th – October 3rd: BO3 – One map ban per team

Round of 8: October 3rd – October 4th: BO3 – Two map bans per team

RO 4 / Semi final: October 11th – 17th BO5 – Two map bans per team

FINAL: October 17th –31st BO 7 – Three map bans per team

For the final, an extra week is added because of the commitment of a BO7 possibly needing more time. Ideally, it should be played on the same day, but some flexibility, like splitting the match up over several days, can be considered here.

Players are expected to complete their sets within the designated weeks, but since most of the tournament (except the final) will be open casting, and from recorded games, the pre-playing of any round until the finals is allowed, as long as both teams are finished with their previous rounds and agree to it.

Which date to play the finals is to be decided upon agreement, and can also be pre-played, but will in that case need the result to be kept secret, played with spectators disabled, and recorded games sent to Akkal by direct message.

Prize Pool:

I will provide 150 $ USD to the prize pool, where 100 $ will go to the highest bracket winner and 50 $ USD to the second highest. During the tournament, 70 % of any donations and subscriptions to my channel will contribute to the prize pool, while the remaining 30 % will go to my channel to fund future tournaments and events. If donations come in, there may be added prizes to the lower sections as well.If any of the top divisions get too few signups, the division may be cancelled, and the prize pool will be redistributed to one level lower. Prize payouts have to go through Paypal.

Bracket division and ELO rules

Signups in my discord channel: https://discord.gg/P3XV2mSVax

The brackets allow 32 teams maximum, it is single elimination, with structure described in the handbook. Whether a team is allowed in a bracket or not, is decided by the team players’ 1v1 ranked random map ELO, and divided as follows:

- 1250 max

- 1250-1500

- 1500-1650

- 1650-1800

- 1800-2000

- 2000+

ELO rules: As a rule, the maximum reached 1v1 RM ELO of the entrants will be used as a basis for balancing the teams. A team may have players slightly above the limit if the average meets the ELO requirements, but no player may exceed the ELO limits by more than 100 points. When playing a game, the same rule applies, the team members playing must be within the average limit.

Settings and game submissions:


Standard random map settings for 3v3. Make sure to enable team positions, lock teams and team together as pictured above, as well as “lock speed” and “record game”. This is of course important for team positioning, but also affect Capture Age and casting overview, especially if “lock teams” is missing.


  • No restarts, except for a bugged map*
  • No cheating or bug exploits!
  • All, DLC civilizations will be available for picking in this tournament
  • Spectator delay: minimum 2 minutes. If streaming POV, a 2 minute stream delay will be required.
  • No smurfing: Players are expected to have at least 40 ranked 1v1 games played upon signup, and to have had recent 1v1 activity. If you don't have 40 ranked 1v1's played, you need to complete them before the deadline.
  • No restrictions on laming, except for on Nomad, as stated below:
  • For Nomad starts: TC’s in range of each other at start = restart. No villager fighting before minute 5, walling in enemy TC within the same period also not allowed. Shooting enemy boar or deer or palisade walling in resources, however, is ok.
  • As there is a civilization draft for all sets: Make sure to have hidden civilization enabled.
  • In the event of a disconnect, a save and restore should always be attempted. If a restore is not possible, the team that did not disconnect gets the win.
  • Slinging : Slinging is only allowed once if the player slinging is in imperial age.
  • Scheduling: The players are expected to finish one set per week, but pre-playing any set if both teams are already decided, is allowed for all sets until the final. If one team reached out, and the other doesn’t respond or is unavailable, admin win may be granted to the team reaching out. Sometimes this can be the case for both teams, in which case the admin reserves the right to completely cancel the set, or award admin win to one of the teams, based on provided communication about scheduling.
  • *A map is considered bugged when gold, stone or berries are bugged in a forest and not accessible. Counts for all resources that are meant for each player (eg. for Arabia all 3 gold spots and both stone spots must be accessible and not bugged in a forest) This does not count for extra stone/gold spots around the map.

Maps and civilization drafting:
Arabia (Always game 1)
Map pool: Arena, Hideout, Serengeti, Cenotes, Nomad, African Clearing, Migration, Team Islands, Four Lakes, Mediterranean.

Plus the following custom maps:

Desert Void (by Chrazini, edited by VLNS_HJFE):


Kharga (by TechChairot):


Watering Hole (by Mytealancer):


Maps and civilization drafting:

Each round will involve a map ban/pick session followed by civilization drafting.

For the rounds with one ban (A: high seed, B: low seed): - A bans a map, B bans a map, then picks a map, then A picks a map.

For the rounds with two bans: Bans first: A bans a map, B bans two maps, A bans one more map. Then ABAB for picks, higher seed picks first.

For the final, with three bans: Higher seed bans a map, lower seed bans two maps, higher seed bans two maps, and lower seed makes the last ban. Then map picks: ABBAABA

Civilization drafting:

All sets will involve civilization drafting. The draft links will be made available when

Streaming / Casting

The event, with exception to the finals, will be open for POV-streaming and casting to anyone. Please add in your stream title that Akkal is the host, and a command leading to my twitch channel (something like “hosted by akkalno”).

You'll find me at: https://www.twitch.tv/akkalno

For players streaming POV, it will require a 2-minute stream delay. Since the games require a spectator delay, casters do not need to worry about adding delay to their stream in the event of casting games live.

Hope to see you signing up! - Akkal

submitted by /u/Akkal-AOEII
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/3zpFFcN
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