For love of god learn to wall

Seriously.. almost nobody wall and then they cry about getting steamrolled by 4 scouts...

"But that one vill doing wall could gather resources, for my fast castle with scouts into knights or archer rush"

"I saw that build order working in Viper's stream, so stfu noob"

Yeah he could be also mowed down by enemy early scout rushers if you don't wall properly, together with next 6 of your vills.

That's the issue, build orders are such popular, that in 5 mins you can expect a rush so better be prepared..

It's just so frustrating to see some try harding pro doing his sacred build orders without selecting ONE damn vill for walling, then he dies to scout rush or build like 20 spears, instead of housing behind palisade. So he dies and calls everyone from team trash and resign in next 2 minutes when scouts shows up..

Seriously how hard it is? Just move one from lumber to walling

submitted by /u/Business_March_7936
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