Countering bohemians

Yesterday I played a ranked 3v3 in bf and I got steamrolled by a Bohemian civ player. He used a combination of Hussite Wagons+Houfnice whereas I was using Onagers+Hussars. At first I went for Cavaliers but his Hussites would absolutely melt them. I backed the Cavaliers with Onagers but he started sniping them with Houfnice. Soon I ran out of gold and trade could only suffice for Onagers so I had to replace my Cavaliers with Hussars. I tried bunch of other combinations but none could stand his rolling ball of death. I wanna know how would you counter this combination?

Also, Once you find a match and have to click "I'm ready" after choosing civ, how do you cancel out of that?

submitted by /u/_Despaired_
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