Pro/Casters and AoE2 history knowledge

So in a recent interview with Cysion alongside and a video on pronunciation guide, Ornlu (one of the AoE2 casters) mentioned that he studied East Asian history for his university degree (specifically Korean history). Which actually lead an interesting discussion, have there been examples of pro players and casters alike that occasionally show or shared some of their historical knowledge regarding AoE2 medieval history (particularly in regards to discussions about tech tree designs, civ bonuses, and unique units)? Because while AoE2 competitive scene has a lot of appeal to a lot of players, one of the biggest appeal of the Age of Empires franchise is real time strategy game that focuses on history. And I feel it's interesting if some pro players and casters have at least some historical knowledge on AoE2 history on why some civs are designed the way they are when it comes to civ gameplay design and tech tree balance (i.e. Bohemians not having cavalry archers due to the mountainous geography of Bohemia, poking fun of the Chinese civ not having Hand Cannoneers or Bombard Cannons despite being Chinese inventions, etc.).

submitted by /u/DarkPaladinX
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