Age of Empires II ONCOR Addition coming! So far it’s expected to be a complete rework of AoE2DE including:

Major bug fixes

6 new Arabia map versions

Improved path finding

No more dancing villagers

No more walling but at the same time easier to wall

Unlimited map bans in ranked matches

Force your opponent to play the map you want

Options to nerf and buff the civ of your choice

Franks will be a bottom teer civ

48 new civs, Asia, Africa, Americans.

Milita line reworked to stimulate use in ranked games

Options to choose your tree lines, main gold and berries positions

Laming is encouraged but is a ban-able offence

No rush ranked game option aka sim city ranked.


submitted by /u/yike92
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/3jk3Ofj
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