Techs that improve building work rate directing and for particular units

Hey everyone, I made a post awhile ago attempting to find all techs that improve building work rates. (i.e. reduce unit/research creation time). In version 50292.

With some help from you guys, I think I compiled them all, and now I present them to you in 2 tables, one for specific techs that make buildings and units and the other for unit upgrades that reduce creation time of the upgraded unit.

I think the best way to compare these upgrades is by how many active production buildings you need to have active to make getting the upgrade equal to just producing more of those buildings. These does discount villager build time and research time needed (which puts a production building out of action) but given you will have to round up to whole buildings to actually implement it, I don't worry about it.

I separated the techs, because the first techs are defined by their speed increase, so are unlikely to be changed without people noticing, while unit upgrades can easily lose their "this tech makes units cost less time to make functionality" without much fanfare. If I had made this post at a different time, I can easily see their being more UUs on the second table. ... I just ah, didn't bother to remember them in my research.

Oh, and I am not including Treadmill crane. It is really good, but it doesn't quite ... expand production capacity in quite the same way. You can expect all of your say, barracks to be churning out units during a stretch of game time, but the same is not true of villagers.

Total resource cost assumes that all resources are equally useful.

Dedicated Techs to improving building work rate

Tech Name Age Resource Cost Percentage and Buildings Impacted Number of Active Buildings needed to break even.
Kasbah Castle 500 25% faster Team Castles ~3.08 Castles
Royal Heirs Castle 600 100% faster Shotel Warrior Creation (UU) ~.92 Castles
Steppe Husbandry Castle 500 100% faster Scout Cav, Step Lancer, Cav Archer ~2.85 total Archery Ranges and/or Stables
Chivalry Imperial 1100 40% faster Stables ~15,8 Stables
Conscription Imperial 300 33% faster Stables, Archery Ranges, Barracks, Castles ~5.2 non-Castles or ~1.40 Castles
Perfusion Imperial 1000 100% faster barracks ~5.7 barracks
Shipwright Imperial 1300 ~53% faster made ships ~16.1 docks


All but one of the techs are researched at the castle.

The best tech in this category in terms of resource of least number of buildings/resourced needed to pay it off is the Royal Hiers tech, which is a tech that only impacts their unique unit,

Steppe Husbandry looks like the best generic creation speed upgrade ... but isn't that great in early Castle Age, because using knights basically doubles your stables ability to put out pressure, without needing to get a castle up.

Conscription is great, and basically something that will pay itself off if you are being aggressive with churning stuff out..

Shipwright is probably the worst, but I think that because my analysis is not taking into account the wood cost reduction, it would be unfair to just consider the speed increase.

Unit Upgrade Techs that impact creation speed

Note: I am ignoring the Eagle Line going from 60 seconds to 35 seconds in going to Castle Age, It's basically a freebie with the general power and cost of aging up.

Upgraded Unit Age Resource Cost Percentage and Buildings Impacted Number of Active Buildings needed to break even.
Crossbowman Castle 175 30% faster Archer line creation ~3.3 Archery ranges
War Galley Castle 330 roughly 100% faster military ship creation speed 2.2 Docks
Elite Chu Ko Nu Imperial 1520 ~23% faster UU creation ~10.1 Castles
Elite Coustillier Imperial 1800 ~7% faster UU creation ~39.6 Castles
Elite Genoese Crowbowman Imperial 1650 ~28% faster UU ~9.07 Castles
Elite Keshik Imperial 1600 ~14% faster UU creation ~17.6 Castles
Elite Leitis Imperial 1500 ~11% faster UU ~21 Castles
Imperial Camel Imperial 1800 10% faster camel creation 19.1 Stables


Ranged Units available in the Feudal Age really benefit from their upgrades. I'm not sure about the galley line designs, but I know that at least for archers, the crossbowman giving a training speed upgrade basically reverses a nerf that they got in Fuedal compared to AoK.

Archer UU tend to benefit the most from creation speed upgrades compared to other units.

The Imperial Camel Creation speed upgrade isn't much to write home about.

Of course, none of this analysis takes into account the fact that current/active units are also improved, so even if you have the bulk of your units made for a game, it still may be worth it to upgrade.

submitted by /u/sawbladex
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