Tips against Hausa as china

I main china and been play for some time now and find that the i am having trouble against them

by 6 minutes they have desert spearman and raiders ready to go, i can fend off the first wave decently but then couple minutes after he has the luidi knights and more desert spearman or desert bowmen and its pretty difficult to counter

One guy i vs'ed today man he didnt even build a war camp lmao and he still pumped out 73 units

I tried full ming army Keshiks/pikemen, most players micro their cav and i cant get near them

Old han Cho's/pikemen - decent but he has to many desert spearman and his cav is tanky

Standard army cho's/steppe raiders- pretty much steppe raiders get stomped lol cause they dont counter anything

Only viable option seems to FF but if his inside at 6 minutes its quite hard to progress when he burns down all your houses

Should i try walling more? and turtle really hard? lol i think i just answered my own question but whats everyone thoughts?

Love the new civs though their really cool just need some balancing

submitted by /u/CheesyRingHole
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