HC3 Civ League (now with Show Matches): the rise of Khmer, the fall of Britons, the Slide of Celts

HC3 Civ League (now with Show Matches): the rise of Khmer, the fall of Britons, the Slide of Celts

Earlier in the qualifiers Britons were looking good; now they have a net Civ Disadvantage with three straight losses to Khmer on their favored map, Hideout. Khmer with their strong scorpions and super boom are as counterpick as it gets, denying the archer heavy civ any opportunities with strong cavalry and stronger economy. Britons can boom, but nothing on par with Khmer Fast Feudal into Fast Castle. And Briton archers have more range; but so do Khmer scorpions. Khmer even displayed a Fast Imp into Ballita Elephant cut, totally dominating this matchup.


In other news, Chinese still remain at the top - with a singular win over Celts, who are now sliding downwards to become the worst performing civ. Celts took two losses with no wins, and they also lost to Japanese on High Tide, thanks to a lack of strength on the water. They did make it messy on land but in the end Japanese are too strong on hybrid maps.

Indians have regained their small Civ Advantage with a win over Slavs - again on map Slopes, the only map they are picked on (because of the Shore Fish). As for Slavs, they are a bit more flexible, also appearing on map Gold Rush, but one loss to Khmer, then one near defeat to Saracens until an epic misplay by the Saracen pilot lost all the XBows (a connection drop might be the reason), leading to an instant resignation. Slavs despite their tremendous economy have struggled to collect results - checked every turn by Indians and Khmer, both civs with good ecos, too.

Two new civs have joined the Civ League, Saracens and Koreans. Koreans are a very surprising pick, but the pilot was Hera, 2nd best player in the world, cruising to a dominating mastapiece win on map Cup with Turtle Ships backed by Trush.

submitted by /u/whisperwalk
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