Updated Hidden Cup 3 Stats Sheets

I've finally finished putting together a few Google Sheets with Hidden Cup 3 Qualifier Stats. You can find the link here.

There are a few sheets:

  • HC3_Bracket: Has a quick visual graphic of the HC3 Main Event Match-ups and results in a nice looking bracket form. I also have the player Identity Reveals listed.
  • Qualifier_Bracket: Same basic concept as the main Bracket, but with the Qualifier Match-ups.
  • MatchupResults: The heart of the data. It holds all players, maps, and civs used, and documents the winners and losers. There are some "highlight' fields on the top that anyone should be able to use, assuming I customized the worksheet protections correctly.
  • CivMapPicks: This sheet documents the map pics as well as the map and civ bans for each match-up. To the right is a quick table showing which civs and maps are most frequently banned.
  • Player Stats: Show's some quick stats for each player. I have games played, win%, # of Times the player has played on each map, and the number of times a player has played as each civ.
  • ResultsByMap: Basically the same data as on the MatchupResults sheet, but sorted by Map then Civs for quick reference when certain maps/civs are played. There are filters on the top that enable you to further condense the match-up data.

Anyone should be able to filter/highlight the data on the 'ResultsByMap' and "MatchupResults" sheets. Let me know if it doesn't work. I can imagine it could get weird if multiple people try to filter at a time, but I think you could save a copy and play with it.

I'm stuck in a COVID-19 quarantine through HC3, so if anyone has suggestions, I'll try to add to the sheet(s); I have all day tomorrow to get it together.

Who's ready for HC3!?

submitted by /u/dupsmckracken
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from newest submissions : aoe2 https://ift.tt/2QrBI2Z
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