My top beginner friendly civs

I have been playing DE casually for the last six months. I have tried different civs to find out which require the least effort to do well. While a lot depends on whether the map is open or closed, I found a few that have comparatively easier transitions. They also do not need much microing, just let the units do their thing.

They are not present in the usual top civ lists from the pros (Vikings, Chinese, Aztecs, Malay, Teutons). Those have much more diverse tech trees and better strategies, however they require perfect timing in eco/military upgrades and unit transitions to find the right balance, which I find difficult to pull off as a casual player.

What are some others that I should try? I think Mayans and Magyars have potentials, but haven't been successful personally.

Franks (no price for guessing)

  1. Free farm upgrades mean you only need to focus on wood upgrade.
  2. Throwing axeman perfectly accompany knights to counter pikes.
  3. Cheap castle makes super easy to defend early pressure.
  4. Lots of others Franks niceties.
  5. My standard composition:
  • Vills: 40 food + 40 wood + 20 gold + 5 stone
  • Army: 30 knights + 30 axeman + 35 halbs/skirms


  1. Free hand cannon, hussar, without needing to worry about military upgrades.
  2. Prefer standard fast castle, boom to imperial. Fast imp sounds tempting but doesn't feel beginner friendly. Needs lot of micro and if initial push fails, pretty much out of luck.
  3. Since both HC and Hussar need food, just focus on farms.
  4. Only need HC and hussar armour upgrade. Attack upgrade can wait.
  5. My standard composition:
  • Vills: 60 food + 20 wood + 25 gold
  • Army: 60 hand cannons, 30 hussars, 5 bombard cannons. (Seems to have solid Cavalry Archers, but personally don't like to micro )


  1. No building needed to age up, super fast castle.
  2. Create huge economy in castle age and focus on scorps + halbs. Shreds everything that comes on the way.
  3. Just update infantry armour and attack for the halbs.
  4. My standard composition:
  • Vills: 30 food + 40 wood + 30 gold + 5 stone
  • Army: 60 scorpion, 35 halbs


  1. Huskarrrrllllssssss.... at <1k elo, people don't know how to handle the spam.
  2. Fast castle, create a defensive castle, create 5 huskarls, boom behind.
  3. Only need infantry armour and attack. No need for other blacksmiths upgrade, university, ballistics, chemeistry ...
  4. Create ~15 barracks while going to imp and complete both unique techs. You are good to go.
  5. My standard composition:
  • Vills: 50 food + 30 wood + 20 gold
  • Army: 70 huskarls + 40 halbs. Only issue is if enemy has better infantry like Samurai/Jaguar warrior/Teutonic knights. Then forget huskarls and try with hand cannons.
submitted by /u/Happy-Adhesiveness-3
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